St. Gianna Physician’s Guild Launches Online Petition to Stop Birth Control Mandate
August 22, 2011
St. Gianna Physician’s Guild today launched an online petition requesting the Obama Administration and Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, to immediately withdraw all references to contraception and contraception counseling from the “Guidelines for Women’s Preventive Services” under The Affordable Care Act, and to provide a conscience clause to protect the religious freedom and beliefs of Catholics.
St. Gianna Physician's Guild Letter to the Dept. of Health and Human Services Opposing the Recinding of the Extension of the Federal Conscience Clause
April 9, 2009
Department of Health and Human Services
Attention: Rescission Proposal Comments
Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Ave., S. W., Room 716E
Media Manipulation and The Pill
Two months have passed since the publication of comments by Carl Djerassi, one of the co-creators of the synthetic progestagen Norethisterone, warning of demographic catastrophe in Austria. Given his credentials, his comments in the Austrian newspaper Der Standard could hardly be ignored by the worldwide press and medical establishment. Following a firestorm of controversy, Djerassi has demanded corrections in the media. Writing in The Guardian, Tuesday 27 January 2009, he claims that "I never blamed the pill for the fall in family size."
Read moreA Critique of the The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Committee on Ethics Opinion Number 385 entitled:
The Limits of Conscientious Refusal in Reproductive Medicine
In November of 2007 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Ethics published a six page opinion, number 385 entitled: The Limits of Conscientious Refusal in Reproductive Medicine