Dr. Dixon's Testimony

October 13, 2008

Dear Mr. McKenna,

On behalf of all of us at St. Gerard Obstetrics and Gynecology, I wish to express my appreciation to you and to the St. Gianna Physician's Guild for facilitating the enshrinement of the relic of St. Gianna here in our office. We are most grateful to you; we seriously respect the privilege that is ours to be custodians of this relic and picture of our beloved saint.

Moreover, we have already had numerous patients comment upon and express their appreciation for the opportunity to meditate before this image and relic of St. Gianna in our waiting room. As a physician herself, she serves as a role model for us as obstetricians. Moreover, as a mother who dealt with complications of pregnancy, she is a woman with whom our patients can identify and emulate in their suffering.

Again, I express my appreciation to you and, through the intercession of St. Gianna, I will ask for continued guidance for you as you spread the news of her throughout the country.


Michael B. Dixon, M.D.

St. Louis, Missouri

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